Learn how hearing
works in the brain

Hearing is thinking

Your ears collect sound, but it’s your brain that actually understands it.

Good hearing helps your brain stay fit throughout your life – and helps avoid many other health problems.

This means that hearing health is brain health.

What happens if your brain doesn’t get enough sound?

With hearing loss, there isn’t enough sound information coming to your brain from your ears, or the quality of that information is too low.

This makes it much harder for the brain to orient itself in your surroundings – which then makes it harder to focus on what’s important.

Your brain may need more sound!

If your brain doesn’t get the sound information it needs, you'll find it more difficult to understand what people are saying and what's happening around you.

In this way, a hearing problem becomes a brain problem, which turns into life problems.

It’s because of how hearing works in the brain's hearing centre.

How hearing works in the brain

Sound travels from your ears to your brain’s hearing centre, where there are two subsystems

The orient subsystem and the focus subsystem. These constantly work together to help you understand the sound scene around you.

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